1. START: Bend over, supporting your upper body on chair (or exercise
bench) with hand not being exercised. Hold dumbbell in other hand (as
shown) and let hang, arm straight, palm forward.
2. BICEP CURL: Without moving elbow to front or rear, curl dumbbell as
high as possible.
3. PREPARE FOR TRICEP EXTENSION: Now raise elbow back to position;
arm from elbow to shoulder should be horizontal.
4. TRICEP EXTENSION: With upper arm from elbow to shoulder remaining
stationary, straighten-out the whole arm and hold about 1 second there
before lowering…lower dumbbell to position #3 BEFORE you move on to
position #5.
5. TOP CURL POSITION: Lowe elbow and “cramp” dumbbell into top curl
6. LOWER & REPEAT: Now, lower dumbbell to starting “hang” position and
immediately curl dumbbell again, and repeat the whole process again…and
again…for the sets and reps prescribed for your needs. Remember: 1 Curl
and 1 Triceps Extension (action #1 through #6) is 1 rep of this exercise.
Note: Don’t do this highly result-producing exercise fast…or “swing” the dumbbell
during any of the movements; keep a steady rhythm that makes the muscles work!
If your muscles tire too much to do the same amount of reps each set, reduce the
weight of the dumbbell about 5-lbs. each set. A quick method of doing this is to have
1 or 2 extra dumbbells that are each 5-lbs. lower in weight. Example: If you start
out with a 25-lb. dumbbell, have a 20-lb. and a 15-lb. dumbbell made up and ready
to use whene4ver you need to reduce the weight.
You will not have regular rest periods between sets as in 2-arm exercises because
when one arm is working, the other is resting; so simply do 1 set with 1 arm, then
immediately go to other arm for 1 set, then back to the first arm, etc., etc., until all
sets are done on each arm.
bench) with hand not being exercised. Hold dumbbell in other hand (as
shown) and let hang, arm straight, palm forward.
2. BICEP CURL: Without moving elbow to front or rear, curl dumbbell as
high as possible.
3. PREPARE FOR TRICEP EXTENSION: Now raise elbow back to position;
arm from elbow to shoulder should be horizontal.
4. TRICEP EXTENSION: With upper arm from elbow to shoulder remaining
stationary, straighten-out the whole arm and hold about 1 second there
before lowering…lower dumbbell to position #3 BEFORE you move on to
position #5.
5. TOP CURL POSITION: Lowe elbow and “cramp” dumbbell into top curl
6. LOWER & REPEAT: Now, lower dumbbell to starting “hang” position and
immediately curl dumbbell again, and repeat the whole process again…and
again…for the sets and reps prescribed for your needs. Remember: 1 Curl
and 1 Triceps Extension (action #1 through #6) is 1 rep of this exercise.
Note: Don’t do this highly result-producing exercise fast…or “swing” the dumbbell
during any of the movements; keep a steady rhythm that makes the muscles work!
If your muscles tire too much to do the same amount of reps each set, reduce the
weight of the dumbbell about 5-lbs. each set. A quick method of doing this is to have
1 or 2 extra dumbbells that are each 5-lbs. lower in weight. Example: If you start
out with a 25-lb. dumbbell, have a 20-lb. and a 15-lb. dumbbell made up and ready
to use whene4ver you need to reduce the weight.
You will not have regular rest periods between sets as in 2-arm exercises because
when one arm is working, the other is resting; so simply do 1 set with 1 arm, then
immediately go to other arm for 1 set, then back to the first arm, etc., etc., until all
sets are done on each arm.