Secret Exercise #2

For those of you who don’t have access to a leg-curl machine, and will need to
improvise, I have a couple of suggestions that will help you. First, if you have an
adjustable sit-up board, you’re in business. A leg-curl exercise can be done by lying
face down on the sit-up board with your feet strapped securely to the inclined endof
the board. Once this is accomplished (usually with the help of a training partner),
you then begin to curl your body up from the knees by pure hamstring strength
alone. To begin with, you may have to initiate each rep by pushing off with your
hands, so it is a good idea not to adjust the incline of the board very much until you
get the hang of the exercise. Near the completion of the positive phase of each rep,
you will assume what appears to be a kneeling, upright position.
improvise, I have a couple of suggestions that will help you. First, if you have an
adjustable sit-up board, you’re in business. A leg-curl exercise can be done by lying
face down on the sit-up board with your feet strapped securely to the inclined endof
the board. Once this is accomplished (usually with the help of a training partner),
you then begin to curl your body up from the knees by pure hamstring strength
alone. To begin with, you may have to initiate each rep by pushing off with your
hands, so it is a good idea not to adjust the incline of the board very much until you
get the hang of the exercise. Near the completion of the positive phase of each rep,
you will assume what appears to be a kneeling, upright position.